User-centered & unique design for your product

I 'm Natalia Cebotari - A multidisciplinary Product Designer. Creating effortless user experiences and products that solve user problems.

Projects mentioned in:

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uI, UX, Components, Product, Visual Design

Ripple - Brand Design System UI Components

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205 csopy
uI, UX, web, illustration
455 caopy
uI, UX, branding, product

Sustantis - ESG automation to scale your business

01 - Landing Page - Software
uI, UX, branding, motion, marketing, illustration

Hiwevise - collective intelligence for turning data into actions

Creating meaningful design experiences for both international & local brands

Clients from:

London / Los Angeles / San Francisco / Boston / Dallas / Milan / Verona / Geneva / Montreal / France

> than 0
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Years of Experience
0 +
Users Downloaded Illustration Kit Library designed by me



For any inquiries please email

Natalia Cebotari. P.IVA: 10501930969